Ion Selective Documentation
Organic (PVC) Ion Selective Addendums
Ammonia Determination with Rosemount 56 Analyzer
Basic Configuration (without pH Compensation Enabled)
Advanced Configuration (with pH Compensation Enabled)

AMMONIA (Low, Standard & High)
Total Ammonia Ammonium (NH4+) Ion Selective Addendum — Low Level ~ 1 ppm or less
Total Ammonia Ammonium (NH4+) Ion Selective Addendum — Standard / Mid Level ~ 1-999 ppm
Nitrate NO3- & Total Nitrate as Nitrogen (NO3-N) Ion Selective Addendum – NEW 3rd GEN
All other PVC ion selective addendums
Sodium Na+ Ion Selective Addendum
Sodium Na+ Ion Selective Addendum (High Range) – NEW
Calcium Ca2+ Ion Selective Addendum
Sodium Ca2+ Ion Selective Addendum (High Range) – NEW
Potassium K+ Ion Selective Addendum
Perchlorate ClO4- Ion Selective Addendum
Lithium Li+ Ion Selective Addendum
Operational Documents about Using Industrial Ion Selective Transmitters
Rosemount 56 pH/ORP/ISE Single & Dual Channel
Transmitter / Analzyer / Controller
Rosemount 1056 pH/ORP/ISE Single & Dual Channel Transmitter / Analzyer / Controller
Rosemount 1057 pH/ORP/ISE Single, Dual & Triple Channel Transmitter / Analzyer / Controller
Solid State Ion Selective Addendums
Fluoride Determination with Rosemount 56 Analyzer
Basic Configuration (without pH Compensation Enabled)
Advanced Configuration (with pH Compensation Enabled)

FLUORIDE (Low pH & High pH)
Total Fluoride (HF) F- Water and Wastewater High pH Ion Selective Addendum ~ pH 5.5 to 9.5
Total Fluoride (HF) F- Acid Etching Low pH Ion Selective Addendum ~ pH 0.5 to 5.5
All other Solid-State ion Selective Addendums
Total Cyanide CN- Ion Selective Addendum
Chloride Cl- Ion Selective Addendum
Bromide Br- Ion Selective Addendum
Iodide I- Ion Selective Addendum
Total Sulfide S2- Ion Selective Addendum
Silver Ag+ Ion Selective Addendum
Other ion selective addendums not posted here are available upon request. Please contact the ASTI factory for assistance.
Technical Documents about Ion Selective Sensors and Electrodes
Online ISE Measurement Guidelines
General Guide to Online ISE Measurements
Technical Papers on Ion Selective Sensors
Understanding Ion Selective Sensors
General Background on Ion Selective Sensors
ISE Cleaning and Polishing Procedures